Monday, 24 August 2009

I did warn you...

Yeah I know, it's been like a zillion years since I posted anything on here but in fairness I stated at the beginning just how staggeringly lazy I am so here's your proof! Another reason for not bothering has been my lack of inspiration. I've considered writing about many things, for example my pug and I were attacked by a big scary dog in the park so I was gonna rant about irresponsible idiot dog owners but I decided that might just be depressing and dull (good call eh?). I also considered telling you ALL about my gorgeous new Shug* puppy, Margot but then I realised how bloody bored I get when people go on and on about their kids and decided this was no different (although she is so ruddy CUTE as the picture proves!).
Sooooo I've made the decision to ease myself back into this blogging thing by relying on tried and tested ground - a recipe. Yeah it's not big or clever but hell, when you taste the thing you'll be loving me then.

Comfort Eggs

This is lovely for a leisurely breakfast when the weather's a bit miserable :)

Serves 2

Tablespoon of olive oil
Half a onion
Green chili
Tin of chopped tomatoes
Knob of butter
4 eggs
Splash of milk
Handful of Cheddar cheese
Salt & Pepper
4 slices of bread, toasted

Heat the oil in a pan then add the chopped onion and fry gently on a medium heat until browned. This takes much longer than you think so allow a good 6 minutes - nothing worse than undercooked onion! Then add the chopped chili and cook for a further 2 mins. Pour in the chopped tomatoes and leave to simmer.
In a bowl add the eggs, milk and seasoning and whisk together until frothy. Melt the butter in a new pan and pour in the eggy mixture. Keep the heat medium-low. Scramble the eggs by stirring every now and then and don't let them stick to the bottom of the pan. When the eggs are almost there add the cheese and stir through then add the tomato sauce. Mix thoroughly. Served on hot buttery toast this is certain to warm the cockles of your heart. Enjoy. Yum!

*Shih Tzu/Pug cross. Of course there are other variations on the name such as Pug Tzu and Shih Poo - the latter is particularly delightful..


  1. oooh I love a good recipe!
    Cool blog! Thanks for listing mine down the side of your site! xx

  2. Ah thank you! Enjoy the eggs :)
